The Law of the Garden 3 Part Series
3 Part Kingdom Teaching Series (with bonus teaching)
The Law of the Garden is a revelation found in Genesis chapter 2, within the context of the Garden in Eden (The Garden of God), that: (1) holds the key to removing the toil and sorrow from having our needs met, and (2) how God intended for us to prosper in this world while advancing His Kingdom.
The Law of the Garden is a Prime Law within the Kingdom that serves as a foundation for our prospeirty, revealing the both our true identity in the Kingdom and thei corresponding anointings given us to cause us to thrive both as Kings and Priests in the earth.
Learn how to receive from God, lack nothing and live a fulfilled life - all of which is found in the Law of the Garden!
Adam 5 Part Teaching Series
Genesis chapter 1 God declared that he made man in "His image" and after his "own likeness"(Genesis 1:26). However, after the fall of man the Bible reveals that Adam produced sons that were "after his own likeness", and in "his image" (Genesis 5:3). Every since then all of creation has recognized that something, or rather someone, is missing in the world who is authorize and empowered to be the solution to its current condition and situation (Romans 8:19-21). It is looking for the revelation and the manifestation of those who are sons of God, or "Adam". Jesus restored this original man in the earth again through his work and our rebirth. However, the church, having been redeemed, still sees itself as a Genesis 5 Man, or son of Adam, rather than as a Genesis 1 Man who are the sons of God!
The church must rediscover Adam, the Genesis 1 Man, and resume the original work given Adam from the very beginning, which is the manifestation of God's heavenly kingdom on earth, in partnership with His sons! Listen and rediscover that "Kind" of Man that God intended to have dominion.
In this first lesson we will discover the difference between the Genesis 1 Man and Genesis 5 Man and why it is so important to the church and the world we live in!
Bonus Messages: Also, includes 3 other original teachings added at no additional cost due to minor sound fluctuation.
Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions, Imaginations & Strongholds 3 Part Series
3 Part Teaching Series
In 1Corinthians 10:3-5, Paul declares that we are engaged in a warfare, but the weapons are not natural ones, but comprised of that which is unseen and attacks the mind. These weapons of mass destruction seek to go unnoticed by their victims until they fortify themselves in the mind of the individual, ultimately having their wills compromised adn thier sabotaging their own success in life. Learn how to detect when you are under attack and use the authority given you by God to pull down strongholds and take every thought captive that comes against your peace!
The Cry of the Church: The Sound of a Kingdom-less Gospel 4 Part Series
4 Part Teaching (Include Bonus Bible Study Recording)
The absence of the revelation of God's Kingdom in the church's message has directly impacted its understanding of its identity, purpose and work in the world. This has not only had far reaching negative implications in the lives of its members, but the world! This is due to the Kingdom being more than a message but a provision given for God for the manifestation, maintence and proliferation of HIs order and will in the earth. In its absence the church, world and its system groan, or cry out for restoration of God's order so that it can realize it original and true potential as it glorifies God and His purposes for creation. The cry heard in the church is one of many that only God's Kingdom can both provide a solution and silence.
Part 1: The Cry of the Church
Part 2: The Cry of Creation
Part 3: The Cry of Christ
Part 4: The World's Cry
Ye Are Gods 5 Part Series
The church is suffering from an identity crisis. It has lost the revelation of who they are from the Bible and God's perspective. Over they years its identity, both corporately and indivdually, has "devolved" to simply being an organization with a set of doctrinal beliefs that individuals ascribe to in order to acquire salvation to go to heaven. Biblically, and from God's perspective, we are much more! We sons of God and gods! Listen and study these teachings and find out why this revelation must be restored to the church in order for it to fulfill its work in the world!
Law of the Harvest 5 Part Series
5 Part Series
Most Christians are aware of the laws of "Sowing and Reaping", as well as "Seedtime and harvest", with most of the emphasis and teachign being placed upon sowing and seedtime. These are important because it empowers the believer to engage and become a participant in supernatual laws of multiplication, which far exceed with simply addition can do. However, without the corresponding revelation of how we are to reap what has been sown, or harvest what has manifested, our sowing is in vain. In this paradigm shifting study, we take a look at the believer reaping what has been sown and harvesting their increase, from God's persective; not just fromt he perspective of our harvest being a blessing, but our "responsibility"! The kingdom suffers lack when we either do not know how, or simply fail to harvest what our seeds have produced!
Exposing and Overcoming Fear 3 Part Series
All fear is not the same. There are differing kinds of fear that either have good or bad impacts on our life. Learning how to distinguish and deal with the categories of fear that is bad, can enable us to live the lives that we were created to live. Fear must be overcome for us to live a life of faith. Listen, learn and live life to it's fullest by overcoming fear in your life.
This series includes:
- Fear Part 1: Exposing and Overcoming Fear
- Fear Part 2: Understanding and Overcoming the 3 Kinds of Fear
- Special addition: The Fear of the Lord is the Treasure of the Lord
The Revelation of the Genesis Blueprint 3 Part Series
The first 2 chapters of Genesis contain a very detailed account of how God went about creating, restoring and manifesting His creation. There being no man in existence for the majority of these chapters, the only means man had of gaining knowledge of these events is by God revealing it. Deuteronomy 29:29 reveals "The secret things belong to the LORD, but those things that HE reveals belong to us and our children ...". In other words, if God reveals what otherwise could not be known, He has deemed it necessary for us to know it. Within these chapters are a blueprint detailed by God to empower us to overcome obstacles and fulfill our purpose in life. This revelation is necessary for everyone to know in order for the to live a victorious and purpose filled life!
Series comes with Bonus message: Understanding the Keys of Declaration, Creation & Manifestation!
Faith and Works 4 Part Series
The believer must learn how to believe in order to manifest the object of our faith. This teaching gives us insight into how we are to believe so that we can manifest and receive what is believed by faith! Listen and learn more about the believer's work to believe!
The Answered Prayer 7 Part Teaching Series
God's Prayer: The Prayer God Always Answer
There is a prayer that God always answers! This prayer is a personal gift from God that has never been, nor can it ever be, learned, memorized, taught or written! This prayer cannot be found in any specific book of the Bible, nor is it confined to the Old or New Testament, but insights and elements of this prayer are strategically deposited throughout the Bible. This prayer cannot be understood by men nor angels, but God only; and is so powerful that God Himself must intervene and pray the prayer in our stead! This prayer is what I have come to call: “God’s Prayer”!
It is the key to releasing supernatural manifestation in our lives, while possessing the power and purpose of manifesting heaven in the earth! Listen and Learn the power and purpose in God's Prayer!
Adam's Prayer
Adam's Prayer is not about teaching you what to pray, but how to pray the way in which God intended for man to pray from the very beginning. Prayer is one of the most important and powerful things a believer can do. However, it has become a source of great frustration for many due to the lack of apparent manifestation as a result of their praying. God gave man not only the privledge of prayer but, gave us instructions on how to pray properly so that it is not a source of frustration, but fulfillment and fruitfulness. Discoverning how to pray the way God intended for us man to prayer, has the power not only to transform the life of the one praying, but the world around them!