About Us

J.C. Matthews Ministries is dedicated to being a resource for the Body of Christ in equipping it to do the work of God and the building of the church (Ephesians 4:12), being mature in our identity as sons and citizens of God’s Kingdom, partnering with Him in manifesting IT here on the earth! This involves providing both instruction and training for the people of God in 4 Key areas of life, which serve as the M.I.L.K., or foundation, upon which we work to establish the culture of God’s Kingdom here on earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). The M.I.L.K. or foundation of our Ministry consists of instruction on:
We believe the Gospel or Good News of God’s Kingdom is the end times message for the world (Matthew 24:14) that Jesus commanded to preached, before His return. For “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (NKJV). We believe that all other gospels (Grace, Faith, Salvation, Miracle and Signs and wonders ,all find their purpose within the greater context of the message of God’s Kingdom, which Jesus specifically taught during His earthly ministry and passed onto the disciples as their, and our, assignment to the world (Acts 1:3). The gospel is not solely for the unregenerate, but for those who are already saved, in providing insight into how those who are sons of man and sons of God, walking by faith and not by sight, subduing and having dominion in they earth are to live and carryon the work of God in this world!
J.C. Matthews Ministries is committed to advancing God’s Kingdom through understanding of the concepts, laws and principles upon which God’s Kingdom operates in this world!
- MARRIAGE (Relationships)
We believe the Gospel or Good News of God’s Kingdom is the end times message for the world (Matthew 24:14) that Jesus commanded to preached, before His return. For “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (NKJV). We believe that all other gospels (Grace, Faith, Salvation, Miracle and Signs and wonders ,all find their purpose within the greater context of the message of God’s Kingdom, which Jesus specifically taught during His earthly ministry and passed onto the disciples as their, and our, assignment to the world (Acts 1:3). The gospel is not solely for the unregenerate, but for those who are already saved, in providing insight into how those who are sons of man and sons of God, walking by faith and not by sight, subduing and having dominion in they earth are to live and carryon the work of God in this world!
J.C. Matthews Ministries is committed to advancing God’s Kingdom through understanding of the concepts, laws and principles upon which God’s Kingdom operates in this world!