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- The Legal Man
The Legal Man
The Legal Man: Reconceptualizing Our Authority & Identity as Sons of God
Throughout scripture we discover a transformation in the identity of those sent by God to do His work in the world that transcends natural description. This new identity is not a religious one, but a legal one that enables us to demonstrate God's presence and power in the earth as we go about doing His work in the world. By setting aside or religious concepts of what it means to be born again or a new creation, we discover a revelation that holds the key to truly understanding what it means to be the image and likeness of God, while subduing and having dominion in the earth. In this capacity we are no longer simply mere men, believers, Christian, Jew or Gentile, male or female, bond or free, but a Legal Man!
· Rediscover God's original intent for man in the earth.
· Realize your true identity as a son of God in the earth.
· Learn to walk in the supernatural authority given you as a delegate of God.
· Understand the transformation that you undergo when you "put on Christ".
· And much, much more!
"For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is
neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor
female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
Galatians 3:27-28